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Video Programs provide the learner with video lectures, interviews and short visual studies on specific topics.  It provides an integrated overview and introduction for therapists and parents to topics in the area of Pediatric Feeding Disorders.  Learning takes place through all of our sensory areas.  Most learners have a preferred way of taking in and integrating new information or viewing familiar information in a new way. This section emphasizes an integration of visual and auditory learning through short video presentations.

"What the Experts Have to Say: Creating Mealtimes with Tube Fed Children"

Mealtime is so much more than simply eating. It is a time for communicating, socializing, exploring and enjoying the company of others. Suzanne Evans Morris discusses the importance of making certain that tube fed children are included in family mealtime.  The video provides an overview of mealtime concepts with short therapy examples of ways in which parents and therapists can create a mealtime environment for their children's tube feedings.” 

"How to Approach a Blended Diet Framework:  An Interview with Dr. Suzanne Evans Morris"

 Laura McGrath of ‘Our Special Lives’ ( interviews Suzanne Evans Morris on ways in which parents and therapists can approach the development of a homemade blended diet for their tube fed children.  Laura and Suzanne have shared a partnership in exploring and developing a whole foods blended formula for her son.  In this interview she and Suzanne discuss the personal aspects of the parent-therapist-dietitian partnership in shifting to and modifying a personalized formula."

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