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La Leche League International: Breastfeeding Information 
La Leche League is the foremost organization for information and support on breast feeding. Their site contains articles, frequently asked questions on breast feeding, and information on local support groups.

Earth's Best Organic Baby Food
This commercial site provides a wealth of information on feeding of solids. Articles are directed at parents and their questions and needs. The Baby and Toddler Nutrition section is particularly helpful since it archives all questions that have been asked and answered by a dietitian and provides a series of informational articles related to infant and toddler feeding. A search feature lets you find what you are looking for.

Ellyn Satter Institute
Ellyn Satter has always reflected the underlying themes of New Visions’ mealtimes programs in her writing. In this collection of short papers she states:
"Feeding a child is about the connection between parent and child about trusting or controlling
about accepting or rejecting."

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